Sunday 24 June 2012

Electric Potential and Electric Field

      The experiment last week was kind of a challenge. Not knowing much about the experiment or about electric field lines and equipotentials is kind of a disadvantage. Our group had a difficulty finding the electric field lines and actually what we are doing is wrong. But before I go to those details I’ll introduce our activity first.

      The Title of the experiment is “Electric Potential and Electric Field”. What we are to do is to know and graph the equipotentials and electric fields of 3 set-ups: a) 2 metal disk, b) 2 line charges and c) one metal disk and one line charge. The general set-up consists of an electrolytic tank, probes, conductors, DC voltmeter and the charges. 

     Using the probes and the DC Voltmeter we looked for spots where the reading will be 0 to be able to graph the equipotentials. Unfortunately, all the way throughout the experiment we did just that. We run the probe around the electrolytic tank searching for zero-reading points. Well, it was partly correct however that should’nt have been the bulk of the experiment. We should’ve been looking for voltmeter readings which grow larger or smaller every other electric field line. For example:

Line charge and metal disk 

     As you can see, each electric field gives a different reading.

     The reading should differ from one field line to another.

    Basically that’s what we did in the experiment. Searching, gathering data, plotting points, graphing. With these, we answered the questions and finished the paper. For more of the graphs.

Line charges

Metal disks